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Other DML queries


INSERT INTO [schema_name].table_name [(col_1, ...)] VALUES
  (val_1, ...),

Append data to a table. Columns that are missing will be defaulted to NULL.


UPDATE [schema_name].table_name
SET col_1 = expr_1, ...
[WHERE condition]

Update the data in a table according to some optional condition.

Note that this doesn't support advanced clauses, for example, UPDATE ... FROM to reference data from a different table. That is not to say that complex expression assignments are not supported; they are, so one can do something like

UPDATE table_name
SET col_1 = (col_2 = 1), col_3 = power(2, col_2)
 col_4 = CASE WHEN col_2 = 1 THEN 'one' WHEN col_2 = 2 THEN 'two' ELSE 'three' END
WHERE col_2 in (1, 2, 3)


DELETE FROM [schema_name].table_name
[WHERE condition]

Delete rows matching a condition from a table.

Note that this doesn't support advanced clauses, for example, DELETE ... USING to reference data from a different table.